Palms Forestry trailers & Cranes

Palms Forestry trailers and cranes

No longer available from Riko UK Ltd


18/08/2021:  Sadly, Palms decided to part company with Riko and gave us 3 months’ notice, which has now expired.  Whilst they had not received any complaints about Riko they felt that an average of one sale every 5 weeks was insufficient for them. 

Palms  have not yet appointed a new importer for the UK but as soon as they do so we will enter their contact details here so you can source spare parts in the UK. Riko will continue to supply warranty parts for Palms machines previously sold by Riko UK Ltd that are still within warranty.  For all other parts and service please contact Palms directly, see below. 

Operators and parts manuals for 99% of Palms products will remain available for download from the Riko UK web site parts page.    Just enter the word Palms and scroll down the list. 

Palms contact details are as follows:.

Taimo Heinsalu, Spare parts main contact

Phone: 00372 3257 257
